Testing Legacy Apps on Android

Testing Legacy Apps on Android


In this course you are going to learn how to apply the test-driven development practices your learned in “Test-Driven Development in Android” on legacy Android apps. You will learn how to determine your limits when testing legacy code, how to add tests to a legacy app with no test coverage and how to refactor your legacy code for testability.

This course is intended for intermediate and advanced level Android Developers that have a good background in Android Development, Kotlin and Software Development. Experience with testing libraries such as Mockito and JUnit is recommended but not required.

Covered concepts

  • Adding Legacy Tests
  • Mock Data
  • Writing Legacy Tests
  • Refactoring Code for Testability
  • Koin and Mockito
  • Nitrogen and Shared Tests
  • Unt Tests with Retrofit

Download Links

Direct Download

Testing Legacy Apps on Android.zip (235.8 MB) | Mirror

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