Test-Driven Development in Android

Test-Driven Development in Android


In this course, you are going to learn how to create scalable and maintainable apps by applying several testing methodologies like the Red-Green-Refactor steps and frameworks such as JUnit and Mockito. You will also learn about SOLID principles, design patterns and the best architectures for testing.

This course is intended for intermediate and advanced level Android Developers that have a good background in Android Development, Kotlin and Software Development. Experience with testing libraries such as Mockito and JUnit is recommended but not required.

Covered concepts

  • Android App Architectures
  • Red-Green-Refactoring
  • The Testing Pyramid
  • Mockito & Junit
  • Espresso
  • Testing the Network layer
  • Testing the Persistence layer
  • Testing the UI

Download Links

Direct Download

Test-Driven Development in Android.zip (325.5 MB) | Mirror

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