SQL Programming and MySQL Developer Certification Training


SQL Programming and MySQL – Course Syllabus

1. Basics of Databases

  • Data Models and basic terminologies
  • Advantages and disadvantages of DBMS

2. SQL Basic Understanding

  • What is SQL?
  • What SQL Can do?
  • SQL Process
  • ACID Properties
  • What is ER Model?
  • Best Practices
  • Database Normalization

3. Introduction to SQL

  • SQL Commands
  • SQL Constraints
  • Types of Keys
  • MySQL Hands-on

4. SQL Basic Commands with demonstration

5. Basics and Aggregation Functions

6. Regular Expression Functions

7. SQL Comparison Clauses

  • exists
  • not exists
  • create table like
  • case when
  • NULL Functions

8. SQL String Functions

9. SQL Numerical Function

10. Introduction to Date Functions

11. SQL Joins – Introduction and demonstration

12. Introduction MySQL Workbench

13. Stored Procedures and Views

Who this course is for:

  • SQL Developers and SQL Database Developers
  • Application Developers and Back End Programmers
  • Data Analysts and Support Analysts (SQL)
  • Database Administrators and MySQL DBAs
  • Newbies and Beginners aspiring for a career as Database/SQL Developer
  • MySQL Developers
  • Oracle, SQL, ERP Application Support Analysts
  • Anyone interested to learn SQL programming
  • SQL Analysts
  • Marketing/Financial/Operational Analysts
  • ETL Developers and Data Integration Programmers
  • Data warehousing Professionals
  • Full Stack Web Developers – SQL
  • Backend Developers Java Spring SQL
  • Data Consultants and Business Consultants
  • PHP Developers (MySQL)
  • Database Analysts & Database Tuning Experts
  • Cloud Engineers – AWS, Azure, Google, IBM
  • Database Architects & Solution Architects


  • Enthusiasm and determination to make your mark on the world!

Last Updated 10/2020

Download Links

Direct Download

SQL Programming and MySQL Developer Certification Training.zip (2.3 GB) | Mirror

Torrent Download

SQL Programming and MySQL Developer Certification Training.torrent (99 KB) | Mirror

Source : https://www.udemy.com/course/sql-programming-and-mysql-developer-training/

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