Welcome to Flutter 2022 complete bundle. This course is for you if you’re new to Flutter or have gotten lost in online tutorials. you will get an excellent understanding of how Flutter and Firebase work.
Welcome to the Project-Based Flutter App Development Course where you will learn to develop a Multi-vendor Grocery eCommerce app with Admin Panel and redesign any Flutter-based applications.
I designed this course, for anyone seeking to learn and build a Flutter-based application. By the end of this course, you will be able to analyze, design, and develop a fully functional Multi-vendor app with a Web admin panel
The business will increasingly rely on third-party support like Multi-vendor Marketplace not only for Technology but also for Guidance in Implementation, Ongoing Management, and Strategy. A company in multi-vendor marketplaces retains over 89% of its customers.
A multi-vendor marketplace is an eCommerce App that hosts multiple vendors (sellers) and provides an opportunity for them to sell their products online using a single platform. In this training you will learn how to Develop and Design a complete Multi- Vendor E-commerce App such as Jumia, Jiji, Riteshopper, Konga, Amazon, eBay, Alibaba, etc with an Online Store management Mobile App.
At the end of this course, you will know how to build a Multi-Vendor eCommerce Marketplace and Online Store with the following:
- Manage your products.
- notify the seller of new orders
- Manage your products categories
- Upload New Categories From Admin Panel
- Upload Banners From Admin Panel
- Approve / Reject New Vendors
- Vendors Withdrawing Earnings
- Independent Personalized Seller Stores
- Vendor Registration
- Store Management Dashboard for Sellers
- Customer Dashboard, Registration & Login
- Product Pickup & Delivery Management
- Product/Service Category Management With Admin Panel
- many more, many more.
You’ll Also Get:
- Fast & Friendly Technical Support
- Certificate of Competent
Who this course is for:
- a beginner who wants to become intermediate
- Have Flutter installed
- Patience
- Anyone Interested In Flutter
Last Updated 11/2022
Download Links
Direct Download
Flutter & Firebase Build Multi Grocery Store App & Admin Panel.zip (4.7 GB) | Mirror