Azure IT Administration Microsoft Course with SIMULATIONS

Azure IT Administration Microsoft Course with SIMULATIONS


We really hope you’ll agree, this training is way more than the average course on Udemy!

Have access to the following:

  • Training from an instructor of over 20 years who has trained thousands of people and also a Microsoft Certified Trainer
  • Lecture that explains the concepts in an easy to learn method for someone that is just starting out with this material
  • Instructor led hands on and simulations to practice that can be followed even if you have little to no experience



  • Welcome to the course
  • Understanding the Microsoft Environment
  • Having a Solid Foundation of Active Directory Domains
  • Having a Solid Foundation of RAS, DMZ, and Virtualization
  • Having a Solid Foundation of the Microsoft Cloud Services
  • Questions for John Christopher

Setting up for hands on

  • IMPORTANT Using Assignments in the course
  • Creating a free Azure Account
  • Activating Azure AD P2 license

Understanding Azure Subscriptions, Costs and Resources

  • The Azure Shared responsibility model
  • Subscriptions in Azure
  • Using management groups in Azure
  • Learning to manage costs with alerts and budgets in Azure
  • Use cases for IaaS, PaaS, and SAAS
  • Using resource groups in Azure
  • Tagging resources in Azure
  • Adding locks to resources in Azure
  • Using Azure Policies to control Azure Resources

Understanding Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) management and access control

  • User identity creation in Azure Active Directory (Azure AD)
  • Group creation and management in Azure AD
  • Properties involved in Users and Groups
  • Device settings in Azure AD
  • Using administrative units in Azure AD
  • License management in Azure AD
  • Implementing self-service password reset (SSPR) in Azure AD
  • Assigning Roles in Azure AD
  • Using role-based access control (RBAC) to create custom roles
  • Assigning roles at different scopes
  • Understanding access assignments

Understanding Azure PowerShell and Cloudshell

  • Foundational concepts of PowerShell
  • Connecting PowerShell to Azure
  • Using PowerShell with Azure AD
  • Azure Cloudshell
  • Azure CLI / Bash
  • Azure CLI installed locally

Understanding Virtual Networks (vNets) and Virtual Subnets in Azure

  • Concepts of using virtual networks and subnets in Azure
  • Azure virtual network and subnet creation
  • Using PowerShell to create vNets
  • Peering virtual networks in Azure
  • Private and public IP addresses in Azure
  • Azure DNS management
  • Using network security groups (NSGs) and ASGs in Azure
  • Using User Defined Routes (UDRs) in Azure

Understanding the concepts of service endpoints and private endpoints

  • Using service endpoints in Azure
  • Effective rules in an NSG
  • Azure Bastion creation in Azure

Understanding Azure Load Balancers

  • Azure load balancing concepts
  • Internal vs public load balancing
  • Azure Application Gateway load balancing

Understanding the Azure Firewall

  • Using a router table to direct traffice to the Azure Firewall
  • Setting up an Azure Firewall
  • Azure Firewall Manager

Understanding virtual networking monitoring and troubleshooting

  • Using Azure Monitor for monitoring networks
  • Azure Network Watcher
  • Virtual network connectivity troubleshooting
  • External network troubleshooting
  • Azure DDoS Protection

Understanding storage in Azure

  • Concepts of working with storage accounts
  • Storage account creation in Azure
  • Implementing network access to storage accounts
  • Configuring a storage account to use Azure AD authentication
  • Storage account access keys in Azure
  • Creating shared access signature (SAS) tokens
  • Using stored access policies
  • Import and export jobs
  • Concepts of using storage redundancy in Azure
  • Using storage redundancy in Azure
  • Object replication
  • Azure file share and Configuring storage tiers configuration
  • Azure Blob storage management
  • Working with blob lifecycle management

Understanding Virtual Machines (VMs) creation and Azure Resource Manager (ARM) templates

  • Creating a Virtual Machine (VM) in Azure
  • Using PowerShell to create a virtual machine in Azure
  • Managing disk encryption
  • Moving virtual machines between resource groups
  • Resizing virtual machines in Azure
  • Adding data disks
  • Implementing network settings with virtual machines
  • Options for virtual machine availability
  • Using virtual machine scale sets in Azure
  • Managing Azure Resource Manager (ARM) templates
  • Azure Resource Manager (ARM) template deployment
  • How to save an existing deployment as an ARM template
  • Virtual machine (VM) extensions

Understanding Azure App Services

  • Concepts of using App Service Plans
  • App Service plan deployment
  • App Service plan scaling configuration
  • App Service creation
  • Networking settings in App Services
  • Deployment settings with App Services
  • Custom domain names
  • Backups for App Services
  • App Service Security

Understanding Container and Kubernetes Services

  • Concepts of working with Azure Containers
  • Azure Container Instance sizing and scaling
  • Concepts of container groups
  • AKS Scaling
  • Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) storage
  • Upgrading an AKS cluster
  • AKS network connectivity

Understanding basic database management in Azure

  • Setting up SQL Database/Server and using SSMS to connect
  • SQL firewall settings for client connections
  • Using database authentication with Azure AD
  • SQL database auditing

Understanding backup and recovery in Azure

  • Azure Recovery Services vault deployment
  • Backup policies
  • Azure backup and restoration
  • Using backup reports
  • Azure Site Recovery

Understanding Azure Monitor

  • Using metrics in Azure Monitor
  • Azure Monitor logs
  • Azure Monitor alerts and actions
  • VM, storage accounts, and network monitoring
  • Using the Azure Advisor

Finishing Up

  • Where do I go from here?

Who this course is for:

  • IT people interested in learning a tremendous amount about Microsoft Azure administration


  • Willingness to put in the time and practice the steps shown in the course

Last Updated 11/2022

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2 thoughts on “Azure IT Administration Microsoft Course with SIMULATIONS

  1. Hello !!

    No words for ur Dedication and Perfect Trimming
    Keep uploading such latest IT courses . 😀😀😀

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