Computer Network : Internet Protocol, IPv4 and Subnetting 1

Computer Network Internet Protocol, IPv4 and Subnetting 1.


IP Addressing (IPv4), Subnetting and Internet Protocol (Maximum Transmission Unit) :

Do you want learn IP addressing clearly?

Do you want study how subnetting working thoroughly?

Do you want understand how Internet Protocol doing Datagram Fragmentation easily? 

Then, you are in right page.  In this course, discussion started from very basics and discussed up to maximum depth possible. For every topic, solid situations and numerical problems are discussed and solved.


  1. IPv4
    • Numbering Systems and conversion (Binary to Decimal and Decimal to Binary).
    • IPv4 Address Format.
    • Classes in IPv4 –  A, B, C, D and E (Theoretically and Practically).
    • Ranges possible for every class and how they will work.
    • Extracting network address and host address.
    • Broadcast IP address for Main network.
  2. Subnetting
    • Why subnetting required.
    • No.of bits required for subnetting and how to set these bits.
    • Total possible ways for setting subnetting bits.
    • Why subnetmask required and how to set subnetmask.
    • Fixed Length Subnetmask (FLSM)
    • Solid subnetwork examples
    • Extracting subnetwork id and host id
    • Variable Length Subnetmask (VLSM)
    • Setting broadcast IP address for subnetwork.
  3. Internet Protocol (Maximum Transmission Unit)
    • Why Fragmentation happen and where it will happen.
    • How Datagram Fragmentation will happen.
    • How to assemble Fragments at destination.
    • How to perform Fragmentation on already Fragmented packets.

Bonus : 

You will be familiar with binary number system and conversions ( easy and fast techniques are used). 

Solid practice questions will be given for self assessment.


  • Students.
  • For certifications like CCNA, CCNP, MCSE+, A+,  and all network related certifications.
  • GATE CS/IT aspirants.
  • Competitive exam aspirants.
  • Anybody seeking to learn about computer networks.

Thank you for coming this course page. See you in the course. All the best…

Who this course is for:

  • For Academic Students
  • For Certification
  • For Competitive Exams


  • No Prerequisites required.

Last Updated 3/2021

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