Vue js 3 – The Practical Guide with 3 projects


Vue js is a progressive javascript framework for building user interfaces. This is a project-based course for learning Vue.js. We will build some small projects such as Toast notification and Carousel image slider. Our main project is building a real world project called Vue Drive, a Google Drive clone with Vue js 3 composition API.

We will learn the fundamentals of Vue.js includes:

  • Class and Style binding
  • Conditional rendering
  • List rendering
  • Transition and animation
  • Working with components
  • Validating props
  • Slots
  • Composition API
  • Working with Provide & inject
  • Working with Teleport
  • Compute properties
  • Watchers
  • Template refs
  • Custom Directives
  • etc

You will also learn some topics:

  • Working with Axios HTTP library
  • How to connect to a backend server from your app
  • Using async/await
  • Organizing API endpoints
  • How to write clean code
  • Uploading file to Backend API
  • And so much more

In addition to the lectures, I also provide the complete source code on GitHub where you can see all changes that I made for each lecture so that you can always have access to the full codebase for the application.

Before you take this course, you should have a basic understanding of modern Javascript features such as arrow functions, destructuring operator, rest Parameters, and Spread Syntax. You should also know the fundamental of Vue js.

By the end of this course, you will have a very solid understanding of Vue and you will be able to dive into your own Vue projects.

Who this course is for:

  • Frontend developers who want to use Vue js 3 to build modern web apps
  • Vue js developers who want to learn Composition API in building real world project
  • Everyone interested in learning how to build frontend web apps with Vue js
  • Javascript developers who want to explore Vue js for building user interfaces


  • Basic web development knowledge (HTML, Javascript, CSS) is required
  • Basic Javascript ES6+, Vue js knowledge is recommended

Last Updated 9/2021

Download Links

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Vue js 3 – The Practical Guide with 3 (4.3 GB) | Mirror

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