Three.js – The Complete Beginner to Advanced Course

Three.js - The Complete Beginner to Advanced Course


Welcome to my course on Three.js .

In this course we will learn all about Three.js, write it in JavaScript, and also write some HTML.

In this course you will learn about Standard structure which you need to follow to make an high performing webpage.

In this course we are covering following topics

– Introduction to Three.js and WebGL

– Theory of Three.js

– How Three.js works

– Understanding about Basic building blocks of Three.js like scene, camera, renderer, mesh and more

– Emplimenting the basic building blocks on Three.js  like scene, camera, renderer, mesh and more.

– Learn to create car and space shutle or satellite using basic mesh of Three.js .

– Learn more about types of Materials.

– Learn more about types of lights.

– Learn To load 3D models.

– Learn to use DatGUI and Stats

– Practice excersices and code with errors will help to learn more about Three.js .

– Projects are well defined and developed using industry standards.

– Projects including Car, satellite, space full of stars, Solor system, Metaverse and more things which are out of imagination.

This course is designed by Dhiraj Yadav, who has Two + years of Training and one + year of development expirence in development and done various projects on MEAN stack and Three.js

You will learn many amazing things.

Who this course is for:

  • Anyone can join this and explore the Threejs and create things with are only been imagined.


  • Basic understanding of JavaScript.

Last Updated 11/2022

Download Links

Direct Download

Three.js – The Complete Beginner to Advanced (910.6 MB) | Mirror

Torrent Download

Three.js – The Complete Beginner to Advanced Course.torrent (47 KB) | Mirror

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