The Beginners Guide To Go

The Beginners Guide To Go


In this course, we are going to be covering pretty much everything you need in order to get up and running with the Go programming language.

I’m going to assume no prior Go knowledge and experience and cover everything in-depth so that you can walk away from this course a competent and confident Go developer.

My goal for this course is to have a learning resource that I personally would have liked when I was first starting out with the language. I want to go beyond the basic syntax and provide you with that little bit extra so that you can get up to speed with the language quickly!


This course has been designed to take the complete beginner from no knowledge of the language, to a proficient Go developer.

What You’ll Learn

Throughout this course, we are going to be covering a lot. We’ll start off by setting up our development environment and then we’ll move onto writing small applications that will grow in complexity as we move through the course.

  • Setting up your Development Environment
  • Control Flow
  • Functions
  • Structs
  • Testing
  • Taking it forward
  • Writing your first Go App
  • Interfaces
  • Methods
  • Concurrency
  • Challenges and Mini-Projects

By the end of this course, you should have the knowledge necessary to start tackling some more advanced challenges and projects. I’ll be sprinkling in a few quizzes and challenges here and there to help solidify your knowledge and providing additional reading resources if you want to dig a little deeper.

Download Links

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The Beginners Guide To (988.3 MB) | Mirror

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