Learn Enough Developer Tools to Be Dangerous: Git Version Control, Command Line, and Text Editors Essentials

Learn Enough Developer Tools to Be Dangerous Git Version Control, Command Line, and Text Editors Essentials


Learn Enough Developer Tools to Be Dangerous teaches you three essential tools for modern software development: the Unix command line, a text editor, and version control with Git. All three are ubiquitous in the contemporary technology landscape, and yet there are surprisingly few resources for learning them from scratch and seeing how they all fit together. Learn Enough Developer Tools to Be Dangerous, which assumes no prerequisites other than general computer knowledge, fills this gap.

The skills you’ll learn are valuable whether your interest is in collaborating with developers or becoming a developer yourself. No matter what you want to do–level up in your current job, start a new career, or even start your own company–Learn Enough Developer Tools to Be Dangerous is a great place to start.

And staying true to the Learn Enough philosophy, the course focuses on the most important aspects of the respective technologies. You don’t have to learn everything to get started–you just have to learn enough to be dangerous.

About the Instructor

Michael Hartl is the creator of the Ruby on Rails Tutorial, one of the leading introductions to web development, and is cofounder and principal author at Learn Enough. Previously, he was a physics instructor at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), where he received a Lifetime Achievement Award for Excellence in Teaching. He is a graduate of Harvard College, has a PhD in Physics from Caltech, and is an alumnus of the Y Combinator entrepreneur program.

Skill Level

  • Beginner to intermediate

Learn How To

  • Run a terminal
  • Manipulate, inspect, and search through files
  • Understand directories, including making, navigating, renaming, copying, and deleting them
  • Understand text-editor basics, including Minimum Viable Vim
  • Use a modern text editor
  • Use advanced techniques, including writing source code and executable scripts
  • Use Git version control
  • Use GitHub for remote version control
  • Branch and merge
  • Recover from errors
  • Collaborate with others on software projects

Who Should Take This Course

  • Those wishing to work with developers on projects or who want to become developers themselves. The course can serve as a base from which to learn how to make modern websites with HTML and CSS and how to develop software with JavaScript or Ruby.

Course Requirements

  • No prerequisites other than general computer knowledge
  • A willingness to learn new things

Released 9/2022

Download Links

Direct Download

Learn Enough Developer Tools to Be Dangerous.zip (715.6 MB) | Mirror

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Learn Enough Developer Tools to Be Dangerous.torrent (45 KB) | Mirror

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