Intro to IT Database Concepts

Intro to IT Database Concepts


This foundational database training prepares aspiring IT professionals to manage and administer databases at a basic level with a strong foundation in the basic concepts that enable them

For people just getting started with databases, it can be a rude surprise when you learn just how big, messy and complicated they can be. At their heart, databases might be simple things: you have a piece of information, and you can store it at a certain location, and then you can retrieve the data later, or edit and delete it. But the databases that companies rely on are much, much bigger and complex.

Learning the fundamentals of database function gives you control over them. Retrieve data with ease, make changes to data more easily, and filter your results so you only see what you need with this database training.

For IT managers, this CompTIA training can be used to onboard new or aspiring IT professionals, curated into individual or team training plans, or as a CompTIA reference resource.

Database Concepts: What You Need to Know

This fundamental Database training has videos that cover topics such as

  • Creating a database, importing data, and performing queries
  • Navigating relational databases and non-relational databases
  • Performing export/import functions
  • Manipulating the data stored inside a database with the right commands

Who Should Take Database Concepts Training?

  • This database training is considered foundational-level CompTIA training, which means it was designed for non-technical professionals or aspiring IT professionals with no experience at all.
  • Database user training. Don’t make the mistake of assuming since you’re a non-technical professional that you don’t need to know how databases work. If you never, ever touch an app, a digital device or even one spreadsheet during your job, maybe you don’t need to understand databases. Otherwise, for workers who use any sort of data at all, this foundational database course can help you make better use of the tools you’re already depending on (but might not realize).
  • New or aspiring IT professionals. Knowing how to manage and administer a database is a fundamental part of almost every IT job. This foundational database course training is meant to make sure you have your feet under you when you start at the ground floor. Go into your first job as an IT professional with a good understanding of what databases do and how they do it with this course.

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Intro to IT Database (810 MB) | Mirror

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