Exam AZ-400 Designing and Implementing Microsoft DevOps Solutions

Exam AZ-400 Designing and Implementing Microsoft DevOps Solutions


The days of specializing in just one technology have become obsolete as people and teams involved in the whole DevOps cycle need to become cross-functional. Developers need to add some operations knowledge to their toolkit, and operations engineers need to incorporate the development and scripting knowledge into theirs to help the whole team output better products faster with higher quality. The Microsoft Exam AZ-400 readies candidates to obtain these skills, and Paul Furlan’s video readies candidates to pass the exam.

Skill Level

  • Beginner to intermediate

What You Will Learn

  • Build a complete application from idea until deployment
  • Deploy an application using a DevOps approach
  • Learn about each phase of the DevOps lifecycle
  • Perform-test your application to detect bugs and make sure it is working as expected
  • Explore infrastructure as code
  • Learn all about containers

Who Should Take This Course

  • Aspiring or practicing Microsoft DevOps engineers
  • Any IT professional looking to pass the AZ-400 exam
  • Systems administrators
  • Cloud administrators
  • Virtualization engineers

Course Requirements

  • A candidate for this exam must be familiar with both Azure administration and development and must be expert in at least one of these areas.

Published 7/4/2022

Download Links

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Exam AZ-400 Designing and Implementing Microsoft DevOps Solutions.zip (3 GB) | Mirror

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