Creating Background Services in ASP.NET Core 6 and .NET 6

Creating Background Services in ASP.NET Core 6 and .NET 6


You should take this course to learn about using hosted services in ASP.NET Core applications to perform background workloads. You will also learn how to build .NET microservices using the worker service template.

Building .NET Core microservices has many advantages. In this course, Creating Background Services in ASP.NET Core 6 and .NET 6, you will learn when and how to apply hosted services in your applications. First, you will learn about adding hosted services to ASP.NET Core applications to perform background workloads outside the request lifecycle. Next, you will learn how to apply the worker service template when building microservices using .NET Core. Using the worker service template, you will also learn how to build .NET microservices. When you are finished with this course, you will have a strong knowledge of building ASP.NET Core hosted services and using the .NET worker service template, which will help you as you build responsive web applications and .NET Core microservices.

Last Updated 6/2023

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