Creating a Spring Boot REST API with iPad Pro and Raspberry Pi 4: Use Code-Server for Spring Boot and React JS

Creating a Spring Boot REST API with iPad Pro and Raspberry Pi 4 Use Code-Server for Spring Boot and React JS


Build a complex and practical Web Application anywhere with a minimalistic setup. Not only will you get to experience technologies used in famous enterprise web applications, you will also be able to code using only your iPad and a Raspberry Pi. The common misconception is that you can only use your iPad for small code changes, or small code additions while on the go. You will learn that you can do so much more and code an entire application with just your iPad and Raspberry Pi.

In this first video, you’ll create a REST API using only an iPad Pro and Raspberry Pi. At the end of the tutorial you’ll test your API using HTTP Bot for iPad OS and a database client for PostgreSQL. This first tutorial also includes all the setup necessary to use Code-Server as an IDE for Spring Boot and React JS.

What You’ll Learn

  • Set-up an iPad Pro and Raspberry Pi for full stack development
  • Test the Spring Boot Rest API
  • Take full stack development to another, mobile level

Who This Video Is For

  • Tech enthusiasts who want to use only an iPad and a Raspberry Pi to build complex web applications on the go. Developers eager to learn how to architect and code full stack applications with minimalist tech.
  • Build a complex and practical Web Application anywhere with a minimalistic setup, using just your iPad and Raspberry Pi.

Direct Download

Creating a Spring Boot REST API with iPad Pro and Raspberry Pi (1.0 GB) | Mirror

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