Building Youtube Clone Using Laravel and Livewire


Join me in Building YouTube Clone Using Livewire Application Journey.

You will need basic Knowledge in Laravel. I will go through building it kind of live coding style in which you can see me making mistakes and learn how we can correct it .

On Challenge in Website that contains videos is how to encode videos ? How I can generate thumbnail ? how to play videos in all browsers . All of these points will be address using FFMPEG . 

We are going to use Alpinejs as basic javascript library to help us to build some dynamic in front-end !

Join me and have fun while coding 🙂

Here is what is included in this course :

  • Create new Laravel Project and do complete setup.
  • Allow user to create youtube channel while he register in the application.
  • Install and Configure Livewire and show basic model binding between class and view
  • Edit Channel properties using Livewire Component
  • Configure Validation for Forms Using Livewire
  • Create policies in Laravel to manage channel updates . Only Channel owner should be update his channel.
  • Upload Files like channel image using Livewire file uploads methods.
  • Modify Image after upload using image intervention package to control image size etc.
  • File upload section which contains details about creating video upload form using Livewire
  • Adding Progress Bar for Video Upload
  • Edit Video Record
  • Delete Video Record
  • Secure video deletion using Laravel polices and integrate it inside livewire component .
  • Video Encoding using FFMPEG .
  • Demo video to explain FFMPEG and how to integrate with Laravel
  • Video Encoding demo using command in Laravel
  • Create Jobs to handle video encoding , creating thumbnail and learn how to run them in the background to improve application performance
  • Adding Thumbnail to Video
  • Real time update about video encoding progress in front end inside Livewire Component.
  • Add video player using videojs and customize its height and width
  • Learn about video events like pause ,play, ended etc and update views column after user view video for 3 seconds
  • Complete Section about
  • Voting System (Like/Dislike)
  • User can like or dislike videos,
  • Show number of likes/dislikes for each video
  • Subscription Section : allow users to subscribe/unsubscribe to channel
  • Show channel information with subscription counts
  • Comment System : Users will be able to add comments and replies for each video.
  • Using Livewire with comment system to show/hide replies or show add new comment form
  • Build Homepage in which user will he videos from subscribed channels or general videos if not logged in
  • Add Search Functionality to HomePage
  • Style Channel HomePage similar to youtube
  • Add Video Duration to Video Card
  • and more…

Course Prerequisites :

  • Basic PHP Knowledge
  • Basic Laravel Knowledge and able to setup Laravel Environment 
  • Basic Knowledge Bootstrap CSS Framework
  • Good Knowledge of HTML, CSS and Javascript

Who this course is for:

  • PHP and Laravel Developers
  • Web Developers
  • Front End Developers
  • Backend Developers


  • Basic PHP Knowledge
  • Basic Laravel Knowledge
  • Basic Web Development Knowledge
  • Good Knowledge about HTML/CSS/Javascript

Last Updated 3/2021

Download Links

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Building Youtube Clone Using Laravel and (3.4 GB) | Mirror

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Building Youtube Clone Using Laravel and Livewire.torrent (105 KB) | Mirror


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