Building Web Applications with TypeScript, Angular and React

Building Web Applications with TypeScript, Angular and React


TypeScript offers a sliding scale of how much or how little effort you want to put into your declarations: the more effort you put in, the more type safety and code intelligence you get. You will begin this course by learning the fundamentals of TypeScript and eventually move toward advanced concepts. You’ll learn how TypeScript relates to JavaScript that you might have written before. You’ll understand the benefits of TypeScript and how helps you to avoid software defects. We will learn to use type guards, check null and undefined, create tagged union types, and compare the performance of algorithms. You’ll use TypeScript to build a weather forecast widget with Angular, and then build a note-taking client/server application using Angular, Node.js, and MongoDB. Finally, you will create a real-time chat application with React.


This course is designed for web developers, who are well-versed in JavaScript, and want to take their knowledge to the next level. To easily grasp concepts that are explained in this course, you should know the basics of JavaScript.

Released 9/2018

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Building Web Applications with TypeScript, Angular and (703.8 MB) | Mirror

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