SwiftUI Fundamentals


Build your foundation in SwiftUI.

What will I learn in this course?

This course is meant to be an introduction to SwiftUI. We start off easy and gradually get more difficult over the course of 4 apps. There is a focus on moving data between views with @State, @Binding, @StateObject, @ObservedObject and @EnvironmentObject as I found that to be the trickiest part of learning SwiftUI.

What skill level is required for this course?

This course is designed for those that have some Swift knowledge. I definitely explain the basics of SwiftUI… but not the basics of the Swift Language itself. You don’t have to be a Swift expert or anything, but knowledge of Swift basics is assumed for this course. For example, I don’t stop to explain variables, arrays, types, structs or anything like that. If you need those basics, check out my beginner Swift course called iOS Dev Launchpad.

What if I don’t find the course valuable?

Within 30 days of purchase there is a 100% money back guarantee. No questions asked. I’m proud of my courses and stand by my work. If you don’t get value from it, I’m happy to give a full refund.

Download Links

Direct Download

SwiftUI Fundamentals.zip (3.6 GB) | Mirror

Torrent Download

SwiftUI Fundamentals.torrent (82 KB) | Mirror

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