40 Programs in Python 3


Python Language has a great scope in data science (DS)machine learning (ML), Natural language processing (NLP), artificial intelligence (AI), web development, game development, IOTs, and neural networks. Python is the most popular programming language nowadays. PyPy, PyCharm, Pyspark and other software are contributing a lot in the field of automation.  Jython, Cpython, PYPy, and IronPython are the implications of python language. This language has a very easy syntax and is easy to read and write.

In this course you will learn variables in python 3, data structures, conditionals, loops, and basic functions with the help of different programming code examples. You would be able to do python certification, python coding, python comment, python documentation, python else if, and loops.

If you know or don’t know other language such as C or Java, you can easily work on python IDE (integrated development environment). Learn by doing simple program exercises in online Compiler and learn how to become a coder/programmer. If you are new to programming, This is the perfect language to learn. You can learn it from scratch with this best video lecture course that I have designed for you.

This course is for:

  • Beginners with no programming experience

Prime features of this Course:

A python program is very easy to understand. After the completion of this course, you will be able to work on python editor and also import different library functions. This course is designed such as it supports Python for kids, python for beginners as well as for pro programmers. This uses online python compiler: Google Colab to run codes online. In this course, you will learn:

  1. How to convert Kilometers into miles.
  2. Find the smallest number among three given numbers.
  3. How to print Hello World in Python using print function.
  4. Factorial calculator of a number.
  5. Taking input from user in integer, floating point, and string format.
  6. Printing of prime numbers.
  7. Multiplication table of a given number.
  8. Find whether a year is a leap year or not.
  9. Find a character from a given ASCII number.
  10. How to convert character or letter to ASCII python.
  11. HCF of two numbers by division method.
  12. Calculate cube of a number by lambda function.
  13. Add two float numbers.
  14. Even odd program in python using function.
  15. How to count the number of vowels in a string using for loop.
  16. Program to check whether a number is positive or negative or zero.
  17. How to add subtract multiply or divide two integers.
  18. Vowel or consonant py thon program.
  19. Celcius to Farenheit code & Fahrenheit to celsius conversion.
  20. Exponentiation (power of a number).


  1. Program to check whether a character is alphabet or not.
  2. Largest among three numbers.
  3. Program code to find the length of a string.
  4. How to reverse a string.
  5. How to sort a string alphabetically.
  6. Create or declare empty list.
  7. Remove punctuation marks from string.
  8. How to find the largest number in a list using list append method.
  9. How to find the largest number in a list without max function.
  10. Find the biggest number in a list max function.
  11. Smallest number in a list using list append And for loop.
  12. Print the smallest number in a list using list sort.
  13. How to find the smallest number in a list using min function.
  14. Sum of all digits in a number.
  15. Sum of n natural numbers in python using while loop.
  16. How to find numbers divisible by other numbers.
  17. Swapping two numbers with third variable.
  18. Swapping of two numbers without using temporary third variables.
  19. Program to add two matrices using nested lists.
  20. Add two binary strings.


  1. Program to convert decimal to binary.
  2. Generate a random number in between 0 and 50 or a range.
  3. Add two numbers prompted by the user.
  4. Finding transpose of a matrix.
  5. Program to print the calendar of a given month and year.

Do you need some specific knowledge for this course?

This is the standard course that includes python 3.0 programming examples. I will teach you on python online compiler Google colab. You do not need python installation on windows or MAC OS on your device. You just need to practice on Jupyter notebook using anaconda and pip, if you want, else you can learn easily by watching this comprehensive python programs tutorial online.

This course uses Python 3.7 and Python 3.8. This is the video tutorial in python3 programming for the absolute beginner. Python 2 has become outdated and no new projects are made in classic python, instead modern python programing is getting fame in the fields of data science, IOTs, Robotics, neural networks, and natural language processing. It has deep role in search engines, searching algorithms, and data mining techniques.

Where to learn python from scratch?

Welcome to 40 Program code examples for everybody:

This is the best & complete Python video tutorial course for beginnersintermediate and advanced levels developers. At the end of this course, you would be able to learn basic programming codes. It is a standard course to go from zero to hero in python 3. This covers basic functions and modules from beginner to advanced level. This course can make you real-world Python programmer. This teaches you the basic introduction to python with the help of google Colaboratory notebook examples.This course is the complete python master class designed for success in every Python-related industry. This course supports Windows, MacOS, and Linux.

Who this course is for:

  • Beginners who have never programmed before.
  • For those who have programming experience already.


  • Basic computer knowledge

Last Updated 6/2020

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Source: https://www.udemy.com/course/forty-programs-in-python-three/

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